Konference s Dr. N.Bergmanem, Žilina, SR

19. listopad 2016

Žilinská univerzita, Žilina - pořádá konferenci s Dr. Nilsem Bergmanemnils bergman 2 j 195144d

Více informací http://www.mamila.sk/pre-zdravotnikov/konferencia/

Dr Nils Bergman calls himself a Public Health Physician, and currently promotes and researches skin-to-skin contact on a fulltime basis.

He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and a research affiliate of the South African Medical Research Council.

Dr. Bergman was born in Sweden and raised in Zimbabwe, where he also later worked as a mission doctor. He received his medical degree (MB ChB) at the University of Cape Town, and later a Masters in Public Health at the University of the Western Cape. During his years in Zimbabwe he completed a doctoral dissertation (MD, equivalent to PhD) on scorpion stings. He has worked in rural South Africa, Zimbabwe and Sweden, and his last posting was Senior Medical Superintendent of Mowbray Maternity Hospital in Cape Town, overseeing 18000 births per year.

Midwives simply the best, Eastwood, UK

12. November 2016

Midwives – Simply The Best – IMUK 2016 National Conference
Event Type: Conference
Event Topics: Birth

Organiser: Independent Midwives UK (IMUK)     Cost: 95.00          Date & Time: 12th November 2016 08.30 - 17.30             Location: Eastwood

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Dutch Midwifery Summer School 2016

V příštím roce proběhne v Nizozemsku letní škola porodní asistence. Jedná se o vynikající možnost získání zkušeností s nizozemským systémem porodní asistence včetně domácích porodů.

Pro více informací navštivte odkaz či kontaktujte přímo členky KNOV: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript..

Přihláška je umístěna zde.


Katalánská asociance porodních asistentek (ACL), Federace španělských porodních asistentek (FAME) spolu s Mezinárodní konfederací porodních asistentek (ICM) pořádá 4. kongres ACL, 15. kongres FAME a 2. kongres ICM Jižní Evropy ve dnech 26. - 28. května 2016 v Tarragoně (Španělsko).

Ústředním tématem kongresu je "Naslouchat ženám, uvažovat jako porodní asistentky".

Webové stránky konference poskytují veškeré potřebné informace, registraci i možnost vložení abstraktů.

GOLD Midwifery Online Conference 2016

Ve dnech 16.2. - 31.3.2016 proběhne již 2. ročník online konference GOLD Midwifery.

Tentokrát si můžete poslechnout prezentace 17 mluvčích na témata nejnovějšího výzkumu i klinických doveností porodní asistence.

Pro veškeré informace, přihlášky, seznam mluvčích, viz informační leták.

GOLD Perinatal Online Conference 2015

GOLD Perinatal , coming up live online this October, is a virtual event for nurses, midwives, lactation consultants and health care professionals working within the perinatal framework; sort of like a face-to-face conference (like CAPWHN OR AWHONN), but all online. We provide both live-in-real-time presentations from a wide variety of international experts and recordings of those presentations that your staff can watch at their own convenience at work, home, office, or even on the go.

This year we have an exciting line up of speakers who will be providing new insights into newborn gut function and the microbiome, how birth practices impact maternal and newborn physiology and behaviour, handling challenging situations such as the compromised obstetric patient, birth and breastfeeding of multiples, and coping with neonatal loss, as well as offering updates on things like breastfeeding and medications, hypertension in pregnancy, and cue based bottle feeding.

We are also excited to be offering a special add-on package that provides focused presentations from experts in the field of maternal mental health. Mental health is a growing concern these days and the add-on package presentations will allow delegates to immerse themselves in the latest research on Postpartum mood and anxiety disorders in order to better serve the mothers in their care.

We offer a variety of continuing education credits for Delegates (CMEs, Nursing CEUs, Midwifery CEUs & CERPs) and invite you to download our Table of Instructional Hours for more information. As of this writing, we are offering 20.25 hours of education for the main conference as well as two optional lectures packs – Mental Health (6 Hours) and Infant Suck (5 Hours).

We have unique and very affordable pricing options for individuals, groups, and institutional licenses. We’d be happy to help you find the category that works best for you and your team, so please feel free to contact me with Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript..

Guatemala has launched a Midwifery study programme

Guatemala has launched midwifery as a technical study in the University, after it was closed 60 years ago. The announcement was made by Registered Nurse Almeda Aguilar Fajardo, Coordinator of the Technical Midwifery Committee in Guatemala.

This course will start in July in the Universidad Da Vinci with 50 students who will access to it through direct entrance. The course will be taught in the Huehuetenango Department, which is the one that registers the highest rate of maternal mortality. In January, the course will be offered in the Alta Verapaz and the El Quiché Departments, which also present a high rate of Maternal Mortality.

The development of this programme was supported for a long period of time before this launching by Joyce Thompson, Peg Marshall (LAC/RSD) , Gloria Maria Metcalfe, Hilda Baca, Rosa Villar Villegas and also ICM Reps for LAC region.

Improving Young People's Mental Health in Europe

Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre

Tuesday 23rd June 2015


Nina Renshaw
Secretary General
European Public Health Alliance

Event DetailsWebsiteRegister to Attend

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) report on the 'Health of Young People in Europe', mental disorders in young people are on the rise with an estimated 10- 20% of young Europeans suffering from mental or behavioural disorders.

This timely international symposium provides an invaluable opportunity to assess the current state of mental health policies for young people at the European level and to discover best practices in the field of prevention and early intervention. It will address measures to support young people's mental health in both school and family settings, while also focusing on the action of health services and community environment in the promotion of mental well-being.

Delegates will also:

  • Assess the current state of mental health policies for young people promoted at EU level
  • Explore new prevention and early intervention measures and strategies to support young people's mental health in both school and family settings
  • Evaluate the action of health services as well as the impact of the community environment in the promotion and prevention of mental health issues in children and young people
  • Discuss the role of technology and social media as a double-edged instrument: risks and solutions

For further details about the symposium, please refer to the event brochure. Do feel free to circulate this information to relevant colleagues within your organisation.

In the meantime, to ensure your organisation is represented, please book online or complete and return the attached registration form at your earliest convenience in order to secure your delegate place(s).

Kind regards,

Ciara Dullaghan
Public Policy Exchange
Tel: +44 (0) 845 606 1535
Fax: +44 (0) 845 606 1539

Dutch Midwifery Summer School 2017

The Royal Dutch Organisation of Midwives (KNOV) offers certified midwives from abroad an introduction to the Dutch Midwifery system. The program has the capacity to place approximately eight midwives yearly for a two week period.

The next programme will take place from the 22nd of May – 2nd June 2017. Dead line for application is 31st of March 2017

Více informací ZDE